1. Educational programme and practice
At holy name we honour the uniqueness of each child through our child-centred program: the program is based on children's interests and includes child-initiated learning experiences and intentional teaching where educators work alongside children our programme is flexible and is part of an ongoing cycle of reflection.
2. Children's health and safety
We believe in the rights of the child and that it is important to create a safe, secure environment for all the children in our care educators ensure they have a sound understanding of each child and the context in which they live. They use this information, together with their professional knowledge and skills to ensure that the needs of the child are met.
3. Physical environment
Our program enables children to experience the joy and wonder of the natural world that God created so they develop a sense of environmental responsibility. We believe in providing welcoming environments that support children to relax, engage, explore/and make sense of the world around them.
4. Staffing arrangements
We recognise the strengths and talents of each staff member
Staff are active learners and constantly strive for professional development. They work collaboratively as a team to support and learn from each other and to develop positive interactions and relationships.
5. Relationships with children
We believe that each child is a precious and sacred gift from God and we treat them with the dignity and respect that God intended we support children to develop a sense of love and respect for themselves and others, by supporting the development of safe secure, meaningful relationships based on gospel values.
6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
We recognise families as children are first and foremost educators of their children. Our program allows each child to develop their unique capacities and build upon their strengths, competencies and interests. We believe that our service should be grounded in our local community and reflect the history, culture, language and traditions of the community. We provide regular opportunities to honour the family's role by encouraging them to share their family values, knowledge and experience.
7. Leadership and service management
All practices are based on the policies and procedures of our centre, we use a process of critical reflection and quality improvement in centre operations to ensure that practices are + reviewed and continuously improving to meet the needs of children, families, staff and the broader community.