First Day
Stay and Play -
To assist your child/children in familiarising themselves with their new environment, we encourage you to organise a 'Stay and Play' within our centre before their starting date. This provides an opportunity for your child/children to explore their new environment and meet their new educator and peers.
Belongings and Labels -
To encourage and provide some comfort to your child/children before their starting date at Holy Name ELCC. We encourage new families to find a bag that their child/children can use, allow them to help pack their bag with all their belongings needed (listed below).
We encourage you to label all your child's/children's items, to help both your child/children and their educators.
What to bring
Below is a list of items that is needed when your child/children begin their first day at Holy Name. These items will then be stored in your child/children's personal locker within their room, and will be required to bring from day one.
Water Bottle
Milk Bottle (if required)
Comforters (if required)
Spare Clothes
Sun Hat